Op-Eds and Short Essays
On appreciation as caring for the world (Psyche)
On the humanities and living well (Project Syndicate)
Excerpt from The Good-Enough Life (OECD Forum Network)
On why there is nothing better than good enough (The Philosopher)
On why being wise means working through both our common humanity and our differences (Aeon)
On the need for cooperative, just action for global climate solutions (with Dennis Snower, Project Syndicate)
On why academic hiring committees should consider using a lottery (Chronicle of Higher Education)
On the ethical and political potentials of modern ideas about reincarnation (Aeon)
On the Role of Zen Buddhism in the Stories of J.D. Salinger (Lit Hub)
On systemic racism in philosophical ideas (Aeon) (Chinese translation by Wu Wanwei)
On why “luck” is the wrong word for explaining meriting from inequality (the Washington Post)
On living a “good-enough life” (the New York Times)
On how peace activists can respond to violent acts by people who share their same cause (Truthout)